Volunteering: Liturgy

Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion

Photo of Lector Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion assist the priests in bringing the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly. This ministry is performed out of love for the Eucharist and for the people of God. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are expected to dress in a modest manner and perform their ministry reverently. They attend a preparation class, and are scheduled 1-2 times per month, arriving 15 minutes before the start of the liturgy. Contact us for more information. 

Home Visit Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Home Visit Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion takes the Body of Christ to all Catholics in hospitals, nursing homes and shut-ins. The minister can imitate Christ by being there, visiting, praying and sharing. Contact the Parish office by phone at 419-289-7224 or contact us by email.

Eucharistic Adoration

Understood simply, Eucharistic Adoration is adoring or honoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. In a deeper sense, it involves "the contemplation of the Mystery of Christ truly present before us". During Eucharistic Adoration, we "watch and wait", we remain "silent" in His Presence and open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist ... By worshiping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be! Like a magnet, The Lord draws us to Himself and gently transforms us.

Because, as Catholics, we believe that Christ is truly and substantially present in the Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament is given the same adoration and devotion that is accorded to Christ. Eucharistic Adoration is available every Thursday, starting at 8:30am, and continues until Sunday, ending at 8:00am. Contact us for more information.


Lectors are lay persons who are trained to proclaim the Word of God at all the liturgies or special services throughout the year. Christ is present in the proclamation of the Word of God, "since it is he himself that speaks when the holy scriptures are read in the Church." The benefits include better comprehension of the Word of God with practice and gaining experience in public speaking. Lectors are scheduled 1-2 times per month and must arrive 15 minutes before the start of the liturgy and be prepared for the ministry. Contact the Parish Office for information about being a lector. You can also see the General Lector Information document for further information.

Altar Servers

This ministry is open to boys and girls starting in the 5th grade. Altar Servers assist the priest at Mass during the week and on weekends at Mass. Servers arrive 15 minutes before Mass and serve one Mass every 3-4 weeks depending on their Mass preference. Their duties include serving at funerals during the morning and other special liturgies and occasions.Contact us for more information.


  Contact Father Rod or the Parish Office to find out about many of these volunteering ministries and opportunities.