For Adults

Every believer walks a journey of faith that is as unique as they are as a child of God. There is no better way to enrich our own faith lives than to experience the wonder and awe of the Mass. You are always invited to join us in worship.

For those who want to learn more about the Catholic faith, or may even be considering joining the Church, we offer our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, or RCIA. For those who want to learn more about Scripture we offer bible studies for men and women. For those who want to serve more we offer all our volunteer opportunities. Each of these activities will have a place in your journey; take full advantage of those that interest you

Further Reading


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is for our spiritual healing. According to the Gospels, after the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to the apostles. Continue Reading...


The Catholic Church distinguishes between a legal marriage and the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Marriage is regulated by. Continue Reading...

Holy Orders

Sacred ministers, those who serve the spiritual needs of others in the person of Christ, in the Catholic Church are. Continue Reading...

Anointing of the Sick

The Anointing of the Sick is to offer prayers for possible recovery, but the more important intention is to. Continue Reading...

Adult Bible Studies

The Little Rock Scripture Study series has been used by St. Edward for over 20 years. Continue Reading...

Rite of Christian Initiation in Adults

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) needs you! We are currently looking for individuals wanting to know more about the Catholic faith. Continue Reading...

Links for Adults

Vatican - The Holy See

United States Conference Of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is an assembly of the hierarchy of the United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands who jointly exercise certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of the United States.

Cleveland Vocations

Once Catholic
The mission of is to put you back in touch with a face-to-face community of Catholics.

For Your Marriage
An initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Catholic News Agency (CNA)
Founded in continued response to Pope John Paul II's call for a "New Evangelization," the Catholic News Agency (CNA) has been, since 2004, one of the fastest growing Catholic news providers to the English speaking world.

Catholic Diocese of Cleveland