
Mass Times

  • Saturday: 4:30 PM
  • Sunday: 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM
  • Holy Day of Obligation
     Vigil-7 PM, Day-8 AM, 1:15 PM
  • Weekday:
     - Mon./Tues./Thurs./Fri.: 8:00 AM
     - Wednesday: 1:15 PM
     - First Saturday: 8:00 AM
     - Civil Holidays: 9:00 AM


   • Saturdays: 3:00-4:00 PM or app't

Eucharistic Adoration

   • Thursday 8:30 AM-Sunday 8 AM

Please contact the Parish Office

Welcome to St. Edward Roman Catholic Church

St. Edward is a Roman Catholic parish in the Diocese of Cleveland. We are a faith-filled people united in the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Eucharist. We pledge to use our talents and resources to live the Faith and serve others as we welcome all into our faith community. We are committed to work together as a parish to meet the spiritual, corporal, social and educational needs of those around us.

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Latest News

Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope - Missio

  We are a Jubilee 2025 Pilgrimage Sacred Site!   

Bishop Malesic has designated St. Edward Church as one of the 11 sacred sites of pilgrimage in the Diocese of Cleveland at which a plenary indulgence may be obtained during the 2025 Jubilee "Pilgrims of Hope."

We are excited to welcome all pilgrims to our parish!

Information on parish activities for the Jubilee year will be posted here.

  • Sunday, February 9th, Bishop Malesic will preside at the 11:00am Mass
  • First Saturday Mass each month will be a Mass for the Holy Year:  7:35am Rosary, 8:00am Mass followed by Eucharistic Adoration until 9:00am
  • Other activities will be posted here as they become available

If you are visiting St. Edward Church as a pilgrimage destination outside of regular Mass times, please come to the Parish Office (to the left of the main entrance) during regular business hours (Mon-Thu, 8:30am-2:30pm).  Please call the Parish Office (419-289-7224) for group visits or to make special arrangements.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS-D, IBS-C ...

A Jubilee Revival for a Flourishing Church

Fr. Damian Ference, Vicar for Evangelization for the Diocese of Cleveland, will be presenting a talk, A Jubilee Revival for a Flourishing Church, combining the missionary year of the Eucharistic Revival, the Jubilee Year of Hope, and Bishop Malesic's Pastoral Letter, A Flourishing Apostolic Church.

Join us Thursday, March 6 at 7:00pm.  It promises to be engaging and uplifting.

Lenten parish retreat

Pilgrims of Hope, A Lenten Retreat for Women and Men
Saturday, March 29, 2025:  9:30am-noon  (Registration and breakfast 8:30-9:25am)

The theme of hope is given to us for Jubilee 2025! Though our world is suffering from war, disease and many crises, Pope Francis invites us to have a “personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, the ‘door’ to our salvation, and to proclaim always and everywhere” that Jesus is “our hope” (cf. John 10: 7,9; 1Tim 1:1). Mrs. Mary Hrich, Diocesan Director of Worship, will lead us to explore the virtue of hope and the graces that await us this Jubilee Year!

Please join us for breakfast and an inspiring morning retreat sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court 1245. Register at the following link: https://forms.gle/YzEeNHDczWzkr9s88. For questions or help with registration, please call 567-215-3181. Registration will close Saturday, March 22.

LRSS Little Rock Scripture Study

Looking to give your spiritual life a boost in 2025?  Join the Little Rock Scripture Study for a close study of the great prophetic book Isaiah.  Through a masterful mix of poetry and prose, the book of Isaiah gives prophetic witness to the complex story of God’s judgment against Israel and the enduring promise of divine redemption.  

  • Part One (Isaiah 1-39, January 12-February 23) includes many of the prophet’s most memorable passages.  

  • Part Two (Isaiah 40-66, March 2-April 6) emphasizes the majesty of God and the divine plan for Israel’s restoration during and after the time of exile.

We will meet in the Parish Activity Center from 7:00-8:30 on Sunday evenings beginning January 12 and ending April 6.   Please register before January 5 to assure that you can receive materials in time to prepare for the first meeting.  Use link - Registration forms and complete form or pick up a form in the parish Gathering Area.


All Masses are now LiveStreamed.

You can now watch all scheduled Masses (weekend and weekday) from either our Facebook Page or here on our website.  Note: Viewing Mass via LiveStream does not meet the requirement to attend Mass for those who are physically able.


FORMED is a subscription service offering access to thousands of studies, films, audios and ebooks from over 40 of the best Catholic content producers including Augustine Institute, Ignatius Press, the USCCB, Catholic Answers, EWTN and more. FORMED is FREE to all parishioners. For those who already have a FORMED subscription from another parish, please have it changed to St. Edward using the code: W3GX7X. Sign Up Here

Help Wanted: Part Time Accompanist

The position of accompanist will plan music and provide organ/piano accompaniment mainly for a small unison choir (4-8 members) or cantor at the Parish 8:30am Mass on Sundays. Various Holy Days, special services (funerals, weddings, etc.) and other weekend Masses are also possible as available. Practice time for the choir is usually on Thursday evenings, but can change to accommodate as needed.

The accompanist will plan the music and work with the pastor and other music ministers. The accompanist should have excellent keyboard skills and have a good understanding of the Catholic liturgy. It would be helpful if candidate can play the organ, and/or can cantor for themselves.

Salary: Pay would be per diem for each Mass or practice.
Contact: Fr. Rod Kreidler by email or call 419-289-7224.