The purpose of this organization is to support the educational goals of the school. This includes open communication, financially supported activities, publicity, and promoting public relations. All parents are needed to provide the best possible support for the school. Parents are encouraged to sign up to help with one or more committees. See a summary of each committee below.
Help with food donations, serve refreshments and watch children of donors.
Help with the book fair during the school day and on Sunday during Catholic Schools Week. This is a popular volunteer opportunity.
Students should save Box Tops and "Our Family" UPC barcodes.
Help create costumes and organize changes for the Christmas and Spring Programs.
Help with the Eighth Grade Graduation Breakfast. Seventh grade parents are responsible for organizing this breakfast. Please sign up if you are the parent of a seventh grade student.
Help with planning, organizing, and working the evening with Santa. Many volunteers are needed for this.
Help organize, decorate and provide the lunch at this event.
Provide refreshments and decorations as needed for various school functions.
Help in the library. You should be available once a week for one or two hours.
Help with this ministry with a focus on helping any school families that are suffering and in need of help. Our focus is families who are going through a difficult time such as an extended illness, hospitalization, medical treatments, or a death in the family. In the past we have provided meals, babysitting and transportation. Our goal is to make life easier for someone experiencing difficult times.
Help organizing the donation process and staff the sale in May.
Organize craft activities and help students make gifts during the workshop. You should be available to work during the school day.
Needed during the school day to help Mr. Huber with art classes, especially with the primary grades. Assist in getting ready for the Grandparent's Day Art Show.
Help vendors such as Pampered Chef, Scentsy products, and others sell their goods during vendor day. This event is held in November in the Parish Activity Center.
Plann, prepare food, and serve lunch during Catholic Schools Week.
Help set up, work during the sale, and tear down. Members will call new families and welcome them and answer any questions they might have.
Help our physical education teacher with the various games and events on these two days.
Help take pictures at various activities during the school year and then design the school yearbook using online software that is provided by Maurer Photography.
Help to promote and sell gift cards.